Women love women
Women love each other in:
“Text me when you get home”
and backs of skirts discreetly checked for stains
and whispered warnings about men
and “you’re not fat”
and even better “you’re fine the way you are.”
and “have you eaten?”
and “I’m going to the toilet, wanna come?”
and shared jackets, swapped secrets, late night tears
and hair held over bouts of vomit
and welcoming homes
and hot lunches for sicknesses
and cups of tea, so many cups of tea
and Meftal Spaz
and “are you ok?”/“wanna talk about it?”
Women love each other in:
Cold hard truths, gentle lies, forgiveness and an award worthy tolerance of the other’s PMS rages
and home remedies and face packs and unwanted advice and gynaecologist numbers and in-depth knowledge of the other’s mothers, babies and pets.
Women love each other in:
“Take this it’ll look good on you.”
and “please don’t wear that.”
and “who cares, wear what you want.”
and “I told you so.”
but also “I’m here for you.”
Mostly, women love each other in those four words. And they’re enough.