Finding love within a diminishing body

Apr 8, 2022


Photo by Nelson Viji

She’d pinch some bits,

and pull them in

wishing to inhabit,

just half her skin.

She’d gulp these vast

mouthfuls of air

suck them into her belly,

so it would not be there.

She’d chew guilt and shame

and portions too small

wanting to be different

not her at all.

And all this while

she looked for love

seeking this and that

and all of the above.

She looked out of windows,

corners, autos, elbow crooks- everywhere!

but no matter where she looked

love just wasn’t there.

Until she’d pinched away so many bits

and wished away so much skin

she found that love

was hiding right within.

She grabbed at it to hold it tight

this fragile box tucked deep inside

but she couldn’t keep it, it slipped away

without a home, love couldn’t reside.



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