On hatred

2 min readJun 26, 2023


1: Hate is a gooey balm

There’s a thick, viscous hatred that numbs the bitter end of relationships in a coating of righteous anger.

And when hate offers you many reasons to detest him, it also offers you enough reasons to move on.


When D met P they found that they both loathed poha, book adaptations, virtue signalling, afternoon naps, the last season of GOT, abbreviations, Instagram poets, the aftertaste of jeera, NRI accents, fanny packs, Dolo tablets, antivaxxers...they had so much hate in common, that they almost fell in love.


There’s an intense but evenly spread, soft, buttery hatred that propels peace marches, brings down dictators and fascists, screams for equal pay and welfare and has somehow managed a few panel discussions with women in them.


One afternoon a searing bout of hatred inside Minna showed her the truth about herself. It showed her the extent of her boundaries and the exact measure of when enough is finally enough. That afternoon hatred gave Minna clarity. Three days later, she packed whatever she could find into her old, red suitcase and never came back.


When you look deep into your hatred, you may come across your pain.


“I hate you,” said the five year old to her mother, stomping her tiny foot to underline her point. “Good,” replied her mother nonchalantly.

Children hate so casually and mothers dismiss that hatred so confidently; that its enviable that kind of umm…love.


Hating some people is proof of how much you love other people.



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