How would you like to be loved?
I can only speak for myself.
I’d like be loved in a note you wrote on the front page of a book you thought I’d like.
I’d like to be loved in an answering smile.
Or a gesture that belongs only to us- so we know when to leave a room, we know what we think of someone and we laugh- without wasting words.
I’d like to be loved like 2003 in a CD of songs you burnt for me.
I’d like to be loved in that you love my dog and my dog loves you back.
I’d like to be loved in a weird game I play in my head- “if you turn around and smile now…”- you do turn around and smile then.
I’d like you to laugh with me, at me, at you, at us, at nothing at all….
I’d like to be loved in a rant you listened to without offering advice.
I’d like to be loved in harsh truths and preposterous compliments.
I’d like to be loved in ocean lilies.
I’d like to be loved in an apology email that makes me forgive you immediately.
But most of all I’d like to be loved in ways I’m yet to know…that’s how much I’d like to be loved.