About umm…love.
Javed fell in love at 5:33 pm
P felt something like love between 2:15 and 2:45 pm, although she can’t be a 100% sure.
When Preetha Unnikrishnan fell in love she was folding clothes that had been collecting on her chair for three days.
It was Rehina who did the whole thing quite poetically to the tune of “khoya khoya chand” which was funny because she’s from Mangalore and barely knows any Hindi.
Sahil falls in love every two minutes, let’s ignore him.
Robert- ugh- this is beginning to sound like I’m trying to be secular.
No, but honestly Robert, (who is a real life person from Villupuram by the way), fell in love between Saidapet and Chromepet. Lol.Ok there’s no Robert, but there’s his aunt who fell in love with a guy on a Mills&Boon cover, but what do you do with that?
Biju is in love with a YouTube food blogger, and wrote “I learnt to make morucurry from you, thanks,” in the comments section one day.
70% of the world’s population reports having felt love
most of them in the Phillippines (90%)
and the least of them in Armenia (29%)
But Dr T. Aravind has never been in love it seems.
And yet on an average, people can fall in love thrice in their lifetimes,
some within one fifth of a second
while others have been known to take fourteen years.
Like Sujji aunty who looked at her neighbour very oddly one day.
People Google ‘how to fall asleep’ more than they Google ‘how to fall in love.’
And ‘do you believe in love at first sight?’ is Googled more than ‘do you believe in God?’
And ‘do you believe in love after love,’ by Cher is Googled more than both.